What is Your Worldview?

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  • How does the media influence our worldviews and what can we do about it?
  • How can we find common values with people with different worldviews?
  • What is your worldview and how does it help you to understand and deal with the world?
  • View some videos before the hangout.
  • Use the questions to keep the discussion on topic.
  • What's wrong with the media?

    What's wrong with the media?

  • What do you think when you look at me?

    What do you think when you look at me?

  • Humanist or Atheist?

    Humanist or Atheist?

  • The Indigeneous Worldview

    The Indigeneous Worldview

  • Atheist or Agnostic?

    Atheist or Agnostic?

  • How does click bait work?

    How does click bait work?

  • Researchers paid Fox viewers to watch CNN

    Researchers paid Fox viewers to watch CNN

  • The Power of Optimism

    The Power of Optimism

  • The Wisdom of Pessimism

    The Wisdom of Pessimism

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