Borders & Nations

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  • Do events such as the Olympics do more to promote unity or division between nations?
  • When does nationalism or patriotism go too far and how can we find the right balance?
  • What moral obligations do we have as individual citizens to provide assistance to refugees or immigrants?
  • View some videos before the hangout.
  • Use the questions to keep the discussion on topic.
  • Superstore's Mateo

    Superstore's Mateo

  • The Immigration Debate

    The Immigration Debate

  • Frauke Petry Interview

    Frauke Petry Interview

  • What does it mean to be a refugee?

    What does it mean to be a refugee?

  • The 30 Articles of Human Rights

    The 30 Articles of Human Rights

  • Do border fences work?

    Do border fences work?

  • The Story of Human Rights

    The Story of Human Rights

  • What does Amnesty International do?

    What does Amnesty International do?

  • The Most Complex International Borders in the World

    The Most Complex International Borders in the World

  • Marching in Europe's Largest Nationalist Event

    Marching in Europe's Largest Nationalist Event

  • Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs

    Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs

  • Nationalism: Crash Course History

    Nationalism: Crash Course History

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