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The Political Divide Between The Sexes

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  • Ceit

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The Political Divide Between The Sexes


We already know that we are living in extremely polarized times, with few people willing to stand in the middle and get pelted by those on both sides. There are numerous divisions between people: class, race, religion, geography, education...and, of course, sex. The power of each category can be variable and context-driven, but the current time seems to be pushing a gap between men and women to the top of what separates us. Despite the advances of the 20th century, we see societies actively stepping backwards. We also see that some advances have been cosmetic and superficial rather than profound changes in social attitudes. Some worry about the isolation this will bring to young people, but others argue that each of us is responsible for our own social development and connection. Here are just a couple of thoughts on the topic: https://www.nakedpolitics.co.uk/gender-z-the-growing-divide-between-young-men-and-women/ https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/11/10/2284893/-The-4B-Movement-women-s-last-option-to-live-in-peace-and-safety https://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2025/01/18/why-are-fewer-men-going-to-college/ So, what are the driving factors behind the growing separation? Is it as serious as we're being told, or is our perception being twisted by media hungry for fearful/outraged clicks? What can we do to bring people back to the table, so to speak, to at least have a conversation with each other? What will be the consequences if we don't? It looks like our favorite place for serious talk might be open again, but keep an eye on the location. If it turns out Roll isn't ready for us yet, we'll head over to Taproom Malasaña,

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