

This is a past local hangout

Death Cafe: Conversations about Death

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    Initiated by:
  • Clare

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Death Cafe: Conversations about Death


Death Cafes are structured gatherings where a facilitator called a Death Doula, or Death Coach facilitates conversations that explore death, grief, dying, and other thoughts around mortality. You are welcome to share and explore, or just listen, at whatever amount feels good for you on the day. This is not a support group or counselling session, so please arrive ready to share the space with others. You can learn more about the Death Café movement at https://deathcafe.com. I will be attending this session on Friday morning, but there is another one on Thursday night from 6-8pm if you would like to organize another hangout and invite others for that one. Either way, you must RSVP if you'd like to attend by emailing Maureen at [email protected]. These two Death Cafes will take place at the Burnout Café in East Hastings, near Victoria St. There is a room off the main part of the café with tables where the conversations will take place. The events are free, and while there is no expectation to buy a coffee or treat, many people do, to support the Burnout Café.

Attended (3)

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Link to John's profile


So you’re a ‘Death Doula’ now? Hell of a title, sounds like a Hollywood movie…

Link to Clare's profile


Hey, great to have you along John! I’m not a death doula, I just attend as a participant. Looking forward to seeing you!

Link to Clare's profile


Great to have you along Al!

Link to Clare's profile


Hi John and Al, please make sure you RSVP to [email protected] if you haven't already :) I'll try to arrive early and will hold two seats if you'd like to sit together. See you tomorrow morning!

Link to Maureen's profile


Sorry I missed this. I have been having no end of problems with my wifi - non-existent lately. I had forgotten to put it in my calendar as well. Next time.

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