

This is a past local hangout

Simpatico Event (Fear & Confidence)

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    Initiated by:
  • Glen

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Simpatico Event (Fear & Confidence)


Here are the videos and discussion questions for this hangout: https://buddytree.org/topic/fear-confidence I've organized many events over the years in this restaurant with the Meaningful Discussions group, so it's exciting to start things up again using Buddytree! :) Please remember to watch at least a few videos before you arrive since we’ll be discussing them when we begin. Once the hangout begins, everyone will introduce each other and then take turns asking the provided questions in order to keep the discussion on topic. Hangouts typically last 90 minutes, and once the hangout is over you will have the opportunity to add people to your buddytree to organize private hangouts and develop friendships. As always, these hangouts provide the opportunity for a thoughtful, respectful and engaging discussion in a safe space where disrespectful behaviour is not tolerated. I've reserved two tables of 6 people, and as usual, people will be able to mix and mingle after 90 minutes. There is no $5 fee to attend this event if you RSVP via Buddytree, but the restaurant has asked that you spend at least $20 since we are using their space. If this is your first time, feel free to view some testimonials here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVkt_Gnxe38 - Glen Brauer Founder of The Meaningful Discussions Project Buddytree & Friendship Bootcamp

Attended (10)

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Link to Tami's profile


Hi all - so sorry, something has come up that I need to deal with and I won't be able to make it. I am very disappointed as this is such a juicy topic. Enjoy your time together :)

Link to Glen's profile


Sorry to hear that Tami. Please cancel your RSVP status on the top-right of the page if you can. - thanks

Link to Christine's profile


Happy Howl y'all! Frightfully, I will not be in attendance tonight. My apologies, however, I bravely anticipate future convocations;)

Link to Glen's profile


Sorry to hear that Christine. Please cancel your RSVP status on the top-right of the page if you can. - thanks

Link to Christine's profile


Gotcha! :)

Link to Tami's profile


Done, thanks Glen for pointing that out

Link to Paul's profile


Thank you Glen for hosting. It was a fun nice with a lot of interesting people!

Link to Glen's profile


Hello everyone, I'm taking a break from hosting public events for a while but that doesn't mean that these events at Simpatico have to stop. Feel free to call Simpatico to book a reservation for two tables of 6 people at (604) 733-6824, and then create a hangout on Buddytree using one of the many topics provided. You can also create your own. Also, feel free to email me directly if you have any questions about hosting these events.

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Upgrade your social life.

Glen Brauer CEO